The Complete Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer Guide

Things to get:

  1. Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer –

Price: $95 w/ coupon (regularly $270)
Coupon Code: EXTREMEQ

King of the desktop vaporizers. There are plenty of others on the market. We’ve tried them all. This one is the one. It comes with a whip and bag system. We never use the whip. Throw that thing in the garbage. The bag is the lazy man’s method (and the best by a country mile).

2. Buddy Bags Co Multipurpose Nylon Turkey Oven Bags – 19″ x 24.5″ – 10 Pack

The machine comes with bags. They’re tiny and shitty. It’s like trying to smoke from a sandwich bag. Buddy bags are food-grade turkey bags. We replace them once the bag is too sticky. This is about every 4 weeks depending on use. This size bag you can easily share with others. If you’re in a pinch, Walmart sells Turkey bags as well. They’re not as good but still work.

3. Extra set of parts –

You’ll drop the parts. They’ll break. You’ll be sad. Then you have to wait for some to come in the mail. Don’t be that person. Get an extra set or two from the beginning and love yourself for it. Make sure you have at least 2 cyclone bowls and 2 elbow pieces if you have the Arizer Extreme Q. Some distributors give you extras when you buy and you may not need a separate purchase.

4. Cleaning jar –

Walmart or Target

The parts get sticky AF. I don’t like residue on everything. It’s gross and gets on your lips and fingers. So get a pint or quart-sized wide mouth mason jar. Fill the jar with 70% isopropyl alcohol (stop using 91%…70% is better). Add some sea salt. You’ve got a cheap cleaning solution. Keep your spare parts in the jar. When your ‘in use’ parts are too dirty, swap them. This way you’ll always have fresh when you need them. Keep your damn parts clean. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. People skip this step, the screen gets clogged, and the machine is less effective.

5. Silicone Tubing – 10 Foot Piece (High Temp Hose – 500F) (5/16″ I.D. x 7/16″ O.D. x 10 Foot)

This piece connects the glass elbow to the bag. Buy this once, and it’ll last you for life. Don’t buy random silicone. Not all of them are equal. You need something food grade and something able to withstand tons of heat. Once you get this, cut a few 5-6 inch pieces. Put a couple in your cleaning jar. Use the other.

Next level optional/complimentary items to go with the devices

  1. LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drops 0.25 Fl Oz (7.5mL)

If your eyes dry out or turn red, these are the best drops. They work the fastest. They last the longest. They’re ridiculously good. You will spend more coin on them. You’re worth it. Also, if you ever get photographed, these drops make your eyes white like ping pong balls. Once you use these, you’ll never dream of having anything else.

  1. Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier with True HEPA and Eco Mode

The air you breathe is one of the most important factors in your well-being. This machine scrubs the air and is PHENOMENAL. The black one is sleek. You have to change the filters over time, buy off-brand. They’re cheap and just as good. This will also get rid of the smell produced by smoking/vaping. If you have a room you commonly use, put this thing there.

Fette Filter 2 Premium HEPA Filters Including 4 Carbon Pre Filters Compatible with Coway AP-1512HH 3304899 – AP1512HH AP-1512HH AP1512 1512 1512HH – C

  1. Something to put spent herb in – after 2 bags, the bowl is spent. Unlike combustion-based methods, the plant will turn from green to dark brown instead of ash. Keep something to hold your vaped herb in until you’re ready to dump them. No one wants to walk back and forth to the trash can a ton. Some people use the already vaped herb in edible recipes. It goes in the trash for me.

The Best Way to Use the Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer

This part is so important. After a bazillion experiments altering temperature, time, and every other factor I could think of, this is our method.

  1. Turn on the Arizer (and check to see if your parts are clean, get clean ones if they’re not)
  2. Set the temp to 392 F (Press the 200 C button on the remote)
  3. Let it heat up for several minutes (even once it says it’s 392) before putting the bowl on
  4. Load the bowl (glass cyclone) halfway up to the black tape with ground herb. Any extra won’t make for better bags. You’re just wasting it. Put the bowl on the heating element.
  5. Attach the bag to the elbow + tubing
  6. Set a 4-minute timer
  7. Once it goes off, hit fan speed 3
  8. Let the bag fill up
  9. Turn the fan off (keep the machine on)
  10. Enjoy your bag
  11. Once the bag is empty, stir your herb with a glass stir rod
  12. Reattach the bag to the silicone tubing
  13. Set the temp to 410 F (Press the 220 C button on the remote)
  14. Hit fan speed 3
  15. Let the bag fill up
  16. Once the bag fills, turn the fan off, set the temp to 392 F for the next round (press the 200 C button on the remote), and then turn the machine off
  17. Enjoy your bag

Pro Tips for the Arizer Extreme Q

-Learn to use the buttons on the machine in case you can’t find your remote. It will happen.

-Once you’ve used the bag for a while, it’ll get sticky and sometimes close over the stem opening. Make sure when you put the bag on the machine to pull it open around the stem.

-If your second bag tastes burnt, you either took a long time to vape the first or you need to lower the temp for bag 2. Try 402 instead of 410. Some strains won’t do well on the second bag no matter what you do. Just one bag them.

-When you see residue in the silicone tubing, it’s a clear sign to clean your parts. When your bag is a pain in the ass to pull apart, you need to switch bags.

-The bowl is HOT afterward, so be careful when you handle it.

-If you’re solo, one bag is more than enough.