How to Get Almost Any eBook on Your Kindle

*For informational/entertainment purposes only*

Yeah sure, Amazon offers a ton of books for the Kindle. But sometimes, what you want is not available there. Here’s a different alternative and a way to download any book to your Kindle for free.


Initial Setup

  1. Download Calibre on your desktop computer at
  2. Install the software
  3. Add plugins by opening Calibre and clicking Preferences->Plugins->Get new plugins

Install the following plugins:

Kindle hi-res covers
Find Duplicates

4. Restart Calibre


Putting Books on Your Kindle

  1. Go to The Worlds Largest eBook Library from your desktop computer and click books
  2. Search for the book you want
  3. Download it (I prefer epub or mobi if possible)
  4. Import into Calibre (drag the book into the software)
  5. Check/update metadata and cover
    Select the book > click edit metadata > click download metadata (at the bottom) > select the metadata that has the longest preview > click ok > select book cover you want > click ok
  6. Connect kindle
  7. Send book(s) to device
  8. Enjoy 😉